Chris Hemsworth's Fat Thor sings Johnny Cash's Hurt on Avengers: Endgame set

Chris Hemsworth’s Fat Thor is doing more than bringing sexy back to the beer belly, he’s providing the internet crowd with an endless amount of entertainment. The latest comes from The Tonight Show.

On Wednesday’s episode, Hemsworth, promoting his turn in Men in Black: International, brought a special “world premiere” of himself as Fat Thor singing a Johnny Cash song on the Avengers: Endgame set.

“I didn’t know if I was ever gonna show it because it was in the trailer in between a few takes,” Hemsworth mentioned. But he did, and now it’s out there.

The setup is that Hemsworth was getting into character for this version of Thor, the version who drinks beer and only beer and plays way too much Fortnite. What music would he listen to? “What else but Johnny Cash, ‘Hurt,’ the saddest song in the world,” the actor said.

The only thing missing are Miek and Taika Waitit’s Korg singing backup, but apparently we can’t have everything.

Watch the cover at the 1:43 mark in the video above.

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