Retired ex-England bowler Stuart Meaker helping millions of Ukrainians

EXCLUSIVE: ‘I brought medical supplies, syringes, nappies, formula and clothes’: Newly-retired ex-England bowler Stuart Meaker drives to Poland to help the millions of Ukrainians flooding over the border as Putin’s troops advance

  • Stuart Meaker retired from professional cricket after the end of the 2021 season
  • Now ex-England bowler is in Poland, just over 100 miles from Ukraine border  
  • He is trying to do his bit for the Ukrainian refugees forced to flee Putin’s invasion
  • To contribute to Stuart Meaker’s Just Giving page in aid of Ukrainian refugees:

Stuart Meaker can’t talk right now. He’s in the Polish city of Lublin and is busy buying a freezer, which he plans to take to an orphanage in nearby Zawichost, a little over 100 miles from the Ukrainian border.

Last July, he was trying to help Sussex bowl out Glamorgan in a county championship match at Hove. Now, following his retirement at the age of 32, he’s thrown himself into a challenge of a more urgent kind.

Sportsmen are often accused of lacking a hinterland, of looking no further than their next contract. For a while, the most interesting nugget about Meaker – once regarded as the fastest bowler in English cricket – was that he had removed Virat Kohli in both his T20 international appearances, nearly a decade ago.

There were two ODIs as well, also in India, but Meaker’s body too often let him down, and he ended up moving from Surrey to the south coast for the final two years of his career.

Now, after a 24-hour solo journey from his home in Godalming, via Dover, Calais, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, he is trying to do his bit for the Ukrainian refugees forced to flee by the Russian military.

The freezer sorted, he rings back. ‘From the start of the war, my heartstrings were pulled,’ he says. ‘I hate feeling helpless, and I thought that while I have time and a van I could so something to help.’

The van, he hopes, will eventually be converted into a mobile home, in which he plans to travel the world and record his adventures on YouTube. For the time being, though, it is empty – or at least it was until he filled it with supplies brought to The Oval after he set up a Just Giving page.

Ex-England bowler Stuart Meaker retired from professional cricket after the end of last season

Now, he’s thrown himself into a challenge of a more urgent kind at an orphanage in Poland

He’s in the city of Lublin, just a few hours from the heavily bombarded city of Lviv (above)

‘I brought medical supplies, syringes, nappies, formula, clothes – that kind of thing. They need separating out and put in other trucks to be taken to places like Kharkiv and Kyiv.

‘I’m still a way from the border towns, but plan to head there if needed. We’ve been joined by some Ukrainian women who are seeking refuge in Poland, and it’s incredible to see the stuff they’re lifting. They’re doing it to help their men and husbands, who are back home fighting for their country.

‘The stuff you see on the news is the raw emotion. But these people have flooded across the border and have a job to do. That’s the look on their faces: they’re getting on with it. They’re not being defeated by it. They’re providing whatever help they can for their country.’

Two days after we speak, he has visited the orphanage in Zawichost, having also bought them a dishwasher: old-fashioned washing-up wasn’t killing all the bacteria, and babies were falling ill.

But then the Pietermaritzburg-born Meaker, whose family moved to England when he was 12, has always considered the broader picture.

Meaker is trying to do his bit for the Ukrainian refugees forced to flee by the Russian military

Lviv has become a city of transit for hundreds of thousands of people, particularly for those fleeing the bombings in central and eastern Ukraine

‘I was fortunate, in that I had perspective from growing up in South Africa. I had a sense of what really mattered. I try to be mindful of that. Life can be so sheltered in England – we do get wrapped up in everyday dramas.

‘Seeing here how the world has turned upside down in 24 hours, and we have these first-world problems – what shoes am I wearing on a night out, is this picture being taken from the right angle for Instagram? It’s all irrelevant. What really matters is safety of others and helping other people.

‘With all the other challenges I’ve faced, it’s always been organised for me. Here, I’ve had to take the bull by the horns – call and text people, find out info myself. I had to check I could get things through customs: I didn’t know if I’d end up getting stopped. But they’re being lenient about aid being transported.’

Meaker clearly draws satisfaction from doing his bit, with almost half of Ukraine’s estimated 2.5 million refugees crossing their western border into Poland. But he is conscious of being no more than a small cog in a large wheel.

Meaker represented England twice in limited-overs cricket but his body too often let him down

‘People have been doing it for the last fortnight – they’re the ones doing all the hard work. I’m just driving a van, but as a county cricketer you’re used to driving around a lot.

‘It’s the people giving up time in the evenings, to package and repackage – they’re the ones who should be getting the recognition.’

As he talks, and considers Europe’s largest refugee crisis since the Second World War, Meaker is able to look back with equanimity on a career that delivered less than it promised.

‘I had a mate who worked for Sky and told me that, at the time, I was the only person who got Virat Kohli out in consecutive T20 innings,’ he says. ‘I’ll definitely take that stat. He’s my bunny in T20 cricket.

Meaker has also visited the orphanage in Zawichost, having also bought them a dishwasher

‘I don’t know any cricketer who doesn’t look back and say they’d do things differently. I’m extremely proud of what I did manage to do. There are things that can’t be taken away from me.

‘But certain careers carry on, and other times talented people are hit by injury. For me, there’s an element of that, of being hampered by injury and wondering what could have been. But I’m not dwelling on it. I’m reflecting on what I can do now to help.

‘I’ll be here as long as I’m needed. I’ve just bought the freezer and I’m off to buy a whole heap of goods for an orphanage for Ukrainian kids. If I’m needed anywhere else, I’ll lend a hand.’

To contribute to Stuart Meaker’s Just Giving page in aid of Ukrainian refugees: visit

Meaker removed Virat Kohli in both his T20 international appearances, nearly a decade ago

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