Teens who lack sleep are more likely to engage in ‘risky sexual behaviours’

Teens are more likely to engage in ‘risky sexual behaviours’, such as not using condoms, when they lack sleep, a new study has revealed.

Researchers from the RAND Corporation discovered the link, which they say highlights the importance of youngsters getting the recommended eight to 10 hours of sleep a night.

Dr Wendy Troxel, who led the study, said: “Insufficient sleep may increase the potential for sexual risk-taking by compromising decision-making and influencing impulsivity.”

In the study, the researchers analysed data from 1,850 teens and young adults in Southern California.

Data collected included their sleep schedules, whether they used condoms, and whether they had used alcohol, marijuana or other drugs before or during sex.

An analysis of the results revealed that teens got an average of 7.5 hours of sleep a night on weekdays, and nine hours on weekends.

However, teens who consistently didn’t get enough sleep were nearly two times more likely to engage in unsafe sex than those who slept in on weekends.

Dr Troxel said: “Sexual risk-taking in adolescence poses serious health concerns, such as an increased potential of getting sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.”

While the obvious thing to do would be to encourage teens to get more sleep, this is easier said than done. However, the researchers suggest that there are various strategies that may help teens get the sleep their bodies need.

Dr Troxel added: ”Our recommendation is for parents and teens to find a middle ground, which allows for some weekend catch-up sleep, while maintaining some level of consistency in sleep-wake patterns.

“We also need to encourage school districts to consider delaying school start times because this could make a substantial difference in helping teens get adequate sleep."

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