‘I saw aliens speaking odd language at Burning Man when I was stone cold sober’

Every year thousands of free-spirited revellers make their way to the Nevada desert for Burning Man — a nine-day event dubbed the "wildest party of the year".

Strange sights are commonplace at the art event, from extreme costumes to naked cyclists, orgies and drug-fuelled all-night raves — but a woman has claimed she witnessed something truly supernatural.

Taking to Reddit to reveal the "most unhinged" thing they'd ever witnessed at Burning Man, one burner was adamant she once saw some other-worldly beings joining in on the fun.

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With burners notorious for enjoying psychedelics at the bohemian event, some might be sceptical of the sighting but the Redditor insisted they were "stone cold sober" at the time.

"I swear that I saw a group of aliens attend burn night on a year that I was stone cold sober," she said.

Pressed for more detail, the Reddit user revealed the sighting happened during the last night of the event — which culminates with the ritualistic burning of an effigy.

She recalled: "It was one of those moments on Burn Night where the flames were still high but the man had mostly fallen. I turned back to look at the crowd and there was a pair of tall slender aliens in matching robes.

"They had sort of triangular heads like a praying mantis but with an elongated cranium and compound eyes that blinked and refocused at me. They were *right behind me* in the crowd."

While alien-esque costumes are a common sight at the eccentric event, the burner claims the beings she witnessed couldn't have possibly been people dressed up.

"That's when it hit me that they were too complicated to be a mask and there was no easy way for a human to hide inside the body like an armature, even with the robes," she explained.

She went on to claim that when the aliens spotted her, they quickly fled.

"They saw me seeing them, for lack of a better phase, looked at each other and said something in an unknown language… and got the heck out of there. I lost them in the crowd as people started to gather for the rush as the Man finally fell," she added.

Each year Burning Man is given a theme, with past themes including extraterrestrial concepts such as 2004's "Alien World" theme.

But the Redditor claimed the year she'd witnessed the aliens wasn't one of the years alien-inspired art was displayed at the event.

However, she noted there were some other strange sightings.

"This was NOT one of the years with the 'crashed ufo' themed art in the playa but it was one that had multiple 'lights in the sky' phenomena popping up, including ball lightning," she said.

She added: "One of the most uncanny things I've ever seen in my life."

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