Daily horoscope for April 25: YOUR star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast TODAY

The Transit Moon is in Capricorn for the whole of Thursday. Typical Capricorn personality traits include being ambitious, practical and persistent. But these common Capricorn characteristics may be skewed by the presence of retrograde Pluto.

A little later on in the day the Moon will also make a conjunction with Saturn.

We can expect to find ourselves a little stuck at some points today

MarStars astrologer Marina Stoichkova

Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn and after that with Pluto.

Pluto is the planet which turned retrograde the day before and it will stay stationary today.

Marina Stoichkova, an astrologer from MarStars, believes the Moon there will make Pluto even more important for us.

The MarStars astrologer told her YouTube viewers Pluto will “make its energy even more intense”.

She said: “This is therefore a time to focus on serious work.

“We can expect to find ourselves a little stuck at some points today, especially with Saturn playing a role.

“So make sure you are particularly patient today and make sure you manage your time well, if you want stable, long-lasting results.

“But with Pluto we should also anticipate that something unexpected might occur.”

This could be potentially be something which we are potentially even unaware of at the time.

With this ingression or transgression of Pluto to retrograde, it is actually more likely that we will be more surprised.

So a little bit more attention to details may be what is required this Thursday.

Retrograde motion is when a planet appears, when observed from Earth, to reverse direction.

This happens due to an optical illusion caused by differences in orbit.

In the astrological realm, retrograde motion has negative connotations.

Ms Stoichkova believes the former planet Pluto will extremely powerful in this period, meaning we must be prepared.

She said: “People may try and control us and we may feel out of control.

“But also we may have the opportunity to make some transformations today.”

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