I'm a cleaning whizz and there are four spots people always forget to scrub – they're probably filthy | The Sun

FROM hoovering the carpet to wiping the mirrors, there are some obvious places we all clean without even thinking,

But according to one cleaning whizz, there are four areas that people often forget to give a scrub.

So, when was the last time you gave these areas a clean?

Taking to TikTok, the cleaning guru, who posts under the acronym @blueland, begins by saying that despite sleeping on them every day, one of the most commonly missed areas are mattresses.

"Without regular cleaning your mattress can accumulate dust sweat and dead skin," she says.

"Sprinkle some baking soda, let it sit for a few hours and then vacuum – the baking soda will break down acid and absorb moisture or odour."


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Next up are washing machines.

"Run on empty, regular cycle or hot, using two cups of white vinegar instead of detergent," she says.


"The hot water vinegar combo removes and prevents bacteria growth.

"Vinegar can also act as a deodoriser and cut through mildew."

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According to the cleaning guru, the third area people often forget to clean are window screens.

"Mix together a bowl of hot water with powder dish soap and then get a brush to dip into the solution and scrub your screens," she explains.

And the final area often forgotten about is your bath mat.

"Your bath mat is often damp, providing the ideal breeding ground for germs and bacteria," she says.

"Don't forget to toss it into the washing machine every other week with one of our laundry tablets – Oxy helps if it's white too."

She then goes on to ask: "What else are we missing?"

The cleaning pro captioned the post: "Most of you said cabinets and around the fridge, but what about these 4 spots?"

The post has since gone viral, racking up a whopping 563k views and several comments from social media users.

"I can barely clean the spots I'm not forgetting," joked one.

A second penned: "I’d never wash my window screens haha."

Elsewhere, others were quick to share the areas they always forget to give a good scrub,

"The dryer machine filter gets really dirty too," noted one.

A second enthused: "Nice tips!"

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A third commented: "Dishwasher filter. I didn’t realise that was even a thing until recently."

Another added: "Doors, light buttons."

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