BlackBerry Messenger is set to go out of commission this Friday, following its failure to keep users while being unable to attract new ones.
Emtek had announced that the service would be shut down last month due to the above. And a blog from their website has confirmed that it will be no more after May 31. However, diehard fans will still have the option of downloading BBM Enterprise, which is an enterprise-grade encrypted messaging service for Android, iOS, Windows and Mac.
“Today we’re announcing that we will be closing BBM consumer service on 31 May 2019,” the notice reads.
“Three years ago, we set out to reinvigorate BBM consumer service, one of the most loved instant messaging applications, as a cross-platform service where users can not only chat and share life experiences, but also consume content and use payment services. We poured our hearts into making this a reality, and we are proud of what we have built to date.
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“The technology industry, however, is very fluid, and in spite of our substantial efforts, users have moved on to other platforms, while new users proved difficult to sign on. Though we are sad to say goodbye, the time has come to sunset the BBM consumer service, and for us to move on.
“We are grateful for your support and wish to thank everyone, especially our users, partners, and employees, for being part of the BBM consumer service journey.”
To be fair, the company tried its hardest to keep the service alive amid all of the competition. Twitter, Facebook, and Snap were all sued over patent infringement. It also added Uber to the BBM app two years ago.
Those efforts, though, weren’t enough to keep things going and Emtek is finally throwing in the towel. It remains to be seen if they can convince their existing users to get on board with BBMe.
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