Question #1: Campaign Finance
“This proposal would amend the City Charter to lower the amount a candidate for City elected office may accept from a contributor. It would also increase the public funding used to match a portion of the contributions received by a candidate who participates in the City’s public financing program.
In addition, the proposal would make public matching funds available earlier in the election year to participating candidates who can demonstrate need for the funds. It would also ease a requirement that candidates for Mayor, Comptroller or Public Advocate must meet to qualify for matching funds.
The amendments would apply to participating candidates who choose to have the amendments apply to their campaigns beginning with the 2021 primary election, and would then apply to all candidates beginning in 2022.”
Summary: The measure would lower contribution limits from donors, boost the rate of public matching funds to 8 to 1 (from 6 to 1), raise the limit on public funds provided, make it easier to quality for matching funds and disperse the money earlier in the election cycle. Critics say the system doesn’t need fixing, supporters say it would boost the value of small donations.
Question #2: Civic Engagement Commission
“This proposal would amend the City Charter to:
Create a Civic Engagement Commission that would implement, no later than the City Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2020, a Citywide participatory budgeting program established by the Mayor to promote participation by City residents in making recommendations for projects in their communities;
Require the Commission to partner with community based organizations and civic leaders, as well as other City agencies, to support and encourage civic engagement efforts;
Require the Commission to establish a program to provide language interpreters at City poll sites, to be implemented for the general election in 2020;
Permit the Mayor to assign relevant powers and duties of certain other City agencies to the Commission;
Provide that the Civic Engagement Commission would have 15 members, with 8 members appointed by the Mayor, 2 members by the City Council Speaker and 1 member by each Borough President; and
Provide for one of the Mayor’s appointees to be Commission Chair and for the Chair to employ and direct Commission staff.”
Summary: The proposal would create a commission to improve the rate of voters participating in government and grant the mayor unilateral authority to transfer powers and duties from other agencies to the commission. Supporters say it would empower voters and make political participation more inclusive. Critics say the commission would be another dumping ground for political appointees.
Question #3: Community Boards
“This proposal would amend the City Charter to:
Impose term limits of a maximum of four consecutive full two-year terms for community board members with certain exceptions for the initial transition to the new term limits system;
Require Borough Presidents to seek out persons of diverse backgrounds in making appointments to community boards. The proposal would also add new application and reporting requirements related to these appointments; and
If Question 2, “Civic Engagement Commission,” is approved, require the proposed Civic Engagement Commission to provide resources, assistance and training related to land use and other matters to community boards.”
Summary: The proposal would limit community board members to four consecutive two-year terms and give the “Civic Engagement Commission,” if created, some oversight of the boards. Supporters say turnover adds fresh faces and fresh thinking. Critics ask why get rid of experienced people?
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