Oxfam let off over Haiti sex scandal despite ignoring victims aged 12 and 13 – The Sun

OXFAM has been let off with a warning over its Haiti sex scandal despite dismissing claims a girl aged 12 was raped.

The Charity Commission found serious allegations of wrongdoing and said Oxfam put children in danger.

But it decided the charity was only guilty of “corporate failure” and no individuals should be held responsible.

The commission conducted an 18-month probe into allegations Oxfam staff sexually exploited 2010 earthquake victims in Haiti.

It found some Oxfam aid workers had sex with prostitutes in the charity's own offices and the organisation had no idea whether some of the girls were underage prostitutes.

Among the evidence was an email from a girl aged 13 who said she was “beaten and used” by two Oxfam workers. She added: “They also have a boss who works for you and I have not met, but my young friend, she is 12, has had sex with him.”

However, Oxfam dismissed the email because the girl had used Google Translate. They were seen by the charity’s then boss, Dame Barbara Stocking.

The watchdog said Oxfam should have reported the claims to cops and “not taken the risk with the safety of minors”. The commission found no evidence of a cover-up and issued a “corporate penalty”.

But ex-Aid Secretary Priti Patel said: “This devastating report exposes Oxfam’s utter failure to protect girls from predatory paedophiles.”

Caroline Thomson, from Oxfam GB, said: “What happened in Haiti was shameful and we are deeply sorry.”

The report also found 16 teens in UK shops had been victims of safeguarding lapses — most involving sexual misconduct.

The report demands it improve its safeguarding procedures to ensure children do not come to harm in the future.

The Charity Commission gave Oxfam a three-week deadline to implement radical reforms or face losing hundreds of millions of taxpayers money.


THE let-off for Oxfam beggars belief.

These champions of the poor covered up the sex abuse of children by aid workers to keep donations pouring in.

They tolerated “a culture of poor behaviour”, according to a damning Charity Commission report.

What is their penance? A warning. No one is singled out or fired.

Oxfam “reforms” and carries on. And the public is supposed to be reassured.

What a whitewash.

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