NYTimes is slammed for 'slobbering' piece about Biden's health

‘Trying to put lipstick on a pig’: NYTimes is slammed for ‘slobbering’ piece about Biden describing him as ‘sharp, fit’ and possessing ‘striking stamina’

  • The New York Times White House reporters have been slammed for writing what some are calling a fawning piece about Joe Biden’s fitness for office 
  • The article praises the 80-year-old commander in chief’s ‘stamina,’ ‘wisdom’ and general fitness 
  • The article arrives days after Biden took a very public tumble at the US Air Force Academy’s graduation that revived concern about his age

The New York Times has been ridiculed for a fawning article describing Joe Biden as ‘sharp and fit’ and praising his ‘striking stamina’ just days after his latest fall.

The piece in Sunday’s paper was written by four White House reporters and attempts to confront the issue of Biden’s age – frequently cited as a top concern for voters ahead of 2024.

The article claims that though the 80-year-old commander in chief may ‘momentarily forget a name or fact, he retains a formidable memory.’

The writers are also glowing about his ‘striking stamina’, citing two consecutive nine-hour train rides across eastern Europe on a secret visit to war-torn Kyiv, and claiming Biden has had a busier schedule than Barrack Obama.

The Times was mocked for ‘trying to put lipstick on a pig’ just days after the president fell over on stage at a USAF graduation ceremony in Colorado. It was the latest in a string of tumbles which are a glaring reminder of the advanced years of the oldest president in US history.

President Joe Biden falls on stage during the 2023 United States Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony last Thursday

The Times piece said: ‘He has at times exhibited striking stamina, such as when he flew to Poland then boarded a nine-hour train ride to make a secret visit to Kyiv, spent hours on the ground, then endured another nine-hour train ride and a flight to Warsaw.

‘A study of his schedule by Mr. Biden’s aides shows that he has traveled slightly more in the first few months of his third year in office than Mr. Obama did in his.’

The writers call the president ‘sharp and wise at critical moments’ and ‘able to rise to the occasion even in the dead of night to confront a dangerous world.’ 

The article has been slammed online by conservative commentators, politicians and Capitol Hill advisors.

Senator Ted Cruz’s special communications advisor Steve Guest called the article ’embarrassing,’ while media reporter Jon Nicosia called the piece ‘slobbering’ in its choice praise of Biden.

Texas congressman Ronny Jackson, who formerly served as the White House physician during the Trump presidency, wrote: ‘The New York Times can try to put lipstick on a pig, but it won’t work! The American people know Joe Biden is an incompetent disaster.’ 

The timing of the article came just three days after the president fell on stage at the graduation ceremony of the US Air Force Academy and was aided by three Secret Service agents who scurried to pick up the president.

The White House quickly released a statement that said the president had tripped over a sandbag on stage and was not injured in the fall.

Mere hours later, Biden hit his head as he exited Marine One on his way back to the White House. He refused to take questions from reporters. 

The New York Times article praised the president’s ability to maintain a grueling travel schedule, including a recent surprise visit to Ukraine to meet with President Volodymyr Zelensky

Last summer, Biden took a tumble from his bike while out on a ride in Rehoboth, near his Delaware beach home

The New York Times reporters added that aides to the president have limited his exposure to the media, stopped the president’s doctor from answering questions and instead issued continual statements that the president is ‘fit for duty.’

Repeated events throughout his campaign and presidency have caused some to wonder whether the White House is embellishing, or outright lying about the president’s physical and mental fitness.

Everything from his stiff shuffle to his repeated inability to recall how many grandchildren he has to falling off his bike in front of the press have led to questions about the octogenarian’s physical and mental ability to lead. 

Following Biden’s most recent public fall, Jackson told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that Biden’s health is becoming a national security issue and said something has to be done.

Ronny Jackson, former White House doctor for presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama, has raised concerns over Joe Biden’s health and said it is ‘malpractice’ to allow him to seek re-election

‘This man’s not fit mentally or physically to be our president, and it’s a bad situation for us,’ he told Fox News Channel’s Hannity on Friday.

‘Part of the job of the President of the United States is to inspire confidence and project power, and he’s not doing that. He can’t do that, he’s too old to do that, and I think it’s a shame.

‘I think his lack of physical ability and his physical decline is now starting to highlight the cognitive decline that we’ve been watching for so long now.

‘It’s a package that just doesn’t sell around the world, and it’s becoming a national security issue for us. We have to do something about.’

Jackson added: ‘To think that this man thinks he can be president at the age of 86 when he’s 80 right now [and] could be in office for another six years is just malpractice on part of the White House in the West Wing to allow this to be happening, for him to even be talking about running for another term.

‘Somebody needs to be held accountable. People like Jill Biden and people that surround him and are supposed to love him and care about him, they should be doing something about this, and they should be stopping this because it’s a shame.’

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