Migrant caravan reaches Mexico City, pauses to regroup

CÓRDOBA, Mexico — Central Americans walking and hitching rides north in a caravan started reaching Mexico City over the weekend, marking another milestone on their winding odyssey toward the U.S. border as Americans prepare to vote in an election in which the migrants have become unwitting central characters.

The welcome in Mexico’s capital city has been a warm one, as the local government has turned a sports complex into a shelter to accommodate more than 5,000 weary migrants, who for three weeks have endured sore feet, sickness and downpours, and survived on guile and the generosity of Mexicans of modest means.

About 2,000 migrants arrived over the weekend, with the rest expected to begin arriving on Monday. About 1,000 migrants who spent Sunday night in the coffee-producing city of Córdoba voted overwhelmingly in an assembly to speed up their pace in hopes of reaching Mexico City, about 190 miles away, by nightfall.

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