Cerne Abbas Giant's 35ft genitals covered up with a flower in cheeky International Women's Day stunt

Cheeky saboteurs turned up at the famous site in Dorset late on Thursday night to turn his 35ft long penis into a flower.

Residents in the village of Cerne Abbas were shocked to see the drastic change in the landscape.

Six large white petals were painted on the top of the large appendage and leaves daubed into the hillside at its base.

And no one knows who made the changes.


Reports claim a note was left at a local shop, explaining the transformation was an "invitation for unity" between men and women, the BBC reported.

The letter read: "To celebrate International Women's Day… the aim of this action is to elevate the giant into a human rather than a binary gendered 'him'."

It went on to add: "This temporary enrichment and extension of the penis into flora, is both a proposition for a permanent change to the chalk creation and an invitation to begin peaceful relationships within the sexes by finally creating equality."

This is not the first time the 180ft ancient naked giant has been changed.

On its penis, in June 2017 the name 'Theresa' was spelled out.

And a month later the giant was seen holding a tennis racket.

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