BBC accused of 'revelling' in Boris Johnson's downfall

BBC accused of ‘revelling’ in Boris Johnson’s downfall and being ‘openly hostile’ about the former PM

  • Peter Bone MP said people at the BBC had ‘struggled to contain their glee’  
  • Read Boris Johnson’s first column for the Daily Mail by clicking HERE 

The BBC has been accused of ‘revelling’ in Boris Johnson’s political downfall and being ‘openly hostile’ about him. 

One long-serving Tory politician said that after the former prime minister decided to quit as an MP over the Commons privileges committee’s findings, it was clear ‘certain presenters and certain producers’ were ‘very happy’ he’d gone. 

Peter Bone, the MP for Wellingborough, said some people at the corporation had been struggling to ‘contain their glee’ since Mr Johnson was forced out of No10, adding that there was no evidence he had ‘deliberately’ misled Parliament. 

On yesterday’s edition of BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, presenter Mishal Husain gave a monologue in which she spoke of the ‘meticulous way’ the committee had approached its task. 

She said the investigation had been ‘designed to uphold the principle that you do not tell Parliament untruths’ and that if you make an ‘honest mistake’ then you ‘say so and correct the record as soon as possible’. 

Mishal Husain, who co-hosts the Today Programme. She said in a monologue the investigation had been ‘designed to uphold the principle that you do not tell Parliament untruths’

Victoria Derbyshire said Mr Johnson had been using tactics similar to those of former U.S. President Donald Trump 

Meanwhile, on Newsnight on Thursday presenter Victoria Derbyshire said Mr Johnson had been ‘taking a leaf in the eyes of some straight out of Donald Trump’s playbook’. 

Mr Bone said: ‘I think most people would think that the BBC didn’t like Boris much and I would say they are quite openly hostile about Boris. 

‘It seems to me that… they are revelling in the fact that Boris has resigned and is no longer prime minister. They almost can’t contain their glee.’ 

Mr Bone added: ‘You can hardly disguise the fact that certain presenters and certain producers on the BBC are very happy at Boris’ demise.’

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