Actor Will Poulter was set to be part of the ensemble cast for Amazon’s Lord of the Rings TV show, but he dropped out before filming started. At the time, it was reported that he backed out due to a scheduling conflict, and the actor himself has now confirmed this to be true and offered a little more insight.
“Unfortunately, there’s no particularly interesting story, other than the fact that there was a last-minute change to the schedule, which meant that there was a clash for me and I was unable to do it,” Poulter explained to NME.
Although he won’t appear in the Lord of the Rings show, Poulter said there is no bad blood and he is excited to see the show come to fruition.
“I have utmost respect for everyone involved in that project,” he said. “And I have no doubt it’s going to be incredible.”
The Lord of the Rings show was recently given the go-ahead to resume filming again in New Zealand due to the way in which the country has succeeded in containing the coronavirus. New Zealand just recently announced it had removed all COVID-19 restrictions, but the country’s borders remain closed.
It seems likely that the Amazon production crew and cast for the Lord of the Rings show will be given a special exemption to enter the country. The New Zealand government granted James Cameron and his staff exemptions to resume filming the Avatar sequels in the country.
The Lord of the Rings show is being written by JD Payne and Patrick McKay, with former Game of Thrones series producer Bryan Cogman also contributing to the program. Jurassic World: Forbidden Kingdom director JA Bayona is set to direct the first two episodes of Season 1.
As for Poulter, we’ll see him next in the video game Little Hope, which launches this year for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Poulter recently spoke to GameSpot about how working on the Black Mirror episode Bandersnatch helped him prepare for the video game.
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