Ashley Moore, one of the stars of the E! Network miniseries reality show Model Squad, which is airing each night during New York Fashion Week, talked to TooFab about the real behind the scenes of modeling. For her, a lot of it has to do with her transition from working in the Los Angeles modeling market to the Big Apple. During her interview, she also gave Instagram models a little advice that she thinks some of them need to hear. With several years in the industry and a successful career, it might be advice worth heeding or at least giving some serious consideration to.
The main thing she stresses is “Make it classy, not trashy.” She thinks too many aspiring and would-be models overdo it and show too much skin, going for a trashy but sexy type of look, rather than classy sexy, which is what she thinks most scouts are looking for when they assess potential new talent. It’s not that she is against showing some skin, as her own Instagram account is proof of, but it is the way that people choose to do it that she thinks matters the most.
“I love to look at style. I hate seeing the half-naked girls that are on their 24/7 just showing their a** and t**s. We get it, you’ve got a great body. Everyone [Sic] thinks modeling is just so easy, and you’re just in front of the camera and posing. That’s not the case. You’re standing on your feet for 10 hours straight, changing into different looks, and you’re constantly getting judged and picked to pieces. There’s so much more to it than people realize and I’m really looking forward to people seeing that.”
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Let’s not forget |
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Moore also discussed the embarrassment she felt by twice showing up on a job and being sent home because she didn’t fit the clothes. She lamented over how if you don’t look a certain way, or aren’t exactly what they want at the time, they just pass you over and move on to the next girl. She admitted that sticking to a healthy diet is the toughest thing about her job for her, but she needs to be disciplined and keep that money-making shape in working order.
While Moore has experience in high-modeling, she said that she isn’t interested in the runway being a major part of her future in the modeling industry. She has more interest in transitioning to acting as a larger part of her career than the scattered gigs she has landed so far.
“I’m not a high fashion model. I’m not really into it. I can do it, but it’s not my thing, it’s not what I enjoy doing. I really enjoy doing commercial print jobs, but what I love doing is just acting.”
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Where I’d like to be, & where I belong ????
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Check out the remaining episodes of ModelSquad to see how Moore balances it all and if her transition to New York is working out for her. Given her track record, the folks at TooFab think she’ll do just fine.
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