Emmerdale spoiler sees new Lachlan twist as Belle left worried over news

Emmerdale looks set for explosive scenes next week as Belle Dingle is left both reeling and worried as she learns a new update about her killer ex Lachlan White.

Fans will recall that Lachlan was last seen on screen in 2019, where he was sentenced to life in prison after a string of murders, including his own mother Chrissie White.

Prior to his arrest, Lachlan was obsessed with Belle and had made her life a misery, where he even abducted her in one chilling storyline.

And the terror is set to start again next week as PC Swirling visits Belle with news about Lachlan as he’s being moved to another prison.

Belle is left worried about the update and confides in Vinny Dingle about her anxieties around Lachlan’s prison transferral.

Worried about overwhelming boyfriend Tom King, who she recently rekindled her romance with, Belle decides to keep the news to herself and instead books to see her therapist.

However, later in the week at work, Jai Sharma accidentally triggers Belle’s anxieties with it soon clear to see she is struggling and in a very anxious state.

And it's not long until Rhona Goskirk unwittingly reveals to Tom how Belle’s dealt with a lot of trauma and he’s worried what she’s neglected to tell him to which he demands Rhona tell him the full truth.

Later, Chas Dingle learns Belle has gone off alone as both Chas and Tom head off in search of her, where they address their past awkward history together.

Soon they spot Belle and fear her mental health has taken a turn for the worse…

Will Belle be okay and is this the last she has heard from Lachlan?

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