Emmerdale exit for Ryan revealed amid major betrayal and secret

Gail (Rachael Gill-Davis) has been harbouring a secret and it’s about to blow a hole in her relationship with Ryan (James Moore) in Emmerdale – many moons ago she had a secret baby, his baby.

She did not raise said baby, and thus far Ryan has been unaware of his offspring. But that all changes when a woman called Sophie comes and asks Gail to help save young Oscar’s life.

Gail has no choice but to reveal her lies to her beloved boyfriend in order to help the child, and understandably he does not take this news particularly well, having learned he’s been a dad all this time.

It drives a huge wedge between them as Ryan finds himself struggling to look Gail in the eye over her betrayal and he has no desire to interact with their son.

But Gail appeals to his better nature – they need to help Oscar and Ryan can’t argue with wanting to help an innocent little boy.

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Force of nature Gail manages to convince Marlon (Mark Charnock) to come with them to the hospital.

It’s not going to be a simple case of popping in, helping the child, and nipping off – Sophie and Ryan make sure to take shots at her for not bringing Ryan sooner.

Her nose is further put out of joint when Ryan opts to take Marlon into the consultation and not her.

But leaving Gail unsupervised could cause way more damage. When Oscar asks to meet his parents, Gail agrees on both of their behalf’s.

This is a major no-no as Ryan is far from ready to meet his son and is forced to refuse. Sophie reluctantly takes Gail to meet the young lad alone.

Gail is then faced with difficult questions and an unexpectedly distant Oscar. But while she’s spending time with their son, Ryan has packed a bag and left.

Have Gail’s lies destroyed their relationship and sent Ryan away for good?

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