Daisy issues a warning to Jenny over serial killer Stephen in Corrie

Stephen Reid (Todd Boyce) thinks he’s won the jackpot now he’s in a relationship with Jenny Connor (Sally Ann Matthews) in Coronation Street.

The dodgy businessman has expressed his romantic interests in Jenny previously, but always said that nothing would happen while Stephen’s in a relationship with Elaine (Paula Wilcox).

After Elaine found Stephen’s fake life insurance documents, she decided so split up with him and because of that, it’s given him the perfect chance to pursue Jenny, and she is loving every single second.

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Observing most of these no-doubt cringe-worthy interactions is Daisy (Charlotte Jordan). After she finds out that Jenny is treating Stephen to a holiday soon, she warns her stepmum not to waste her money on him.

But will Jenny listen?

Given Stephen’s history with Elaine, we know that he is very capable of manipulating and charming someone into getting what he wants, but does he have another plan when it comes to Jenny?

‘Jenny is the apple of his eye, he is insane about her and he can’t believe they have finally got together, this has been a dream of his since they first met,’ Todd Boyce said.

‘She’s funny, she’s sexy, he just wants her on his arm. He just thinks she’s the bee’s knees. She caught his eye way back and that was it. She’s a character. She’s fiery and she stands her ground.

‘The thing is his love for intelligent and sassy women could be his downfall. Gabrielle got the measure of him and what is to say Jenny isn’t going to do that too?’

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