'Big Brother 20' Spoilers: Decision On Eviction Seems Made, Remaining Players Planning For Final HOH & Final 2

‘BB20’ spoilers suggest that there’s no further discussion needed about the next eviction, but the presumed final three are buzzing over the upcoming HOH competition

Things are moving along quickly these days in the Big Brother 20 house with the finale coming up next week. Viewers watched on Wednesday night as Sam was evicted and JC won Head of Household, with another eviction coming up during Thursday’s show. BB20 spoilers suggest that this is essentially a done deal already, and there’s plenty of buzz among the remaining houseguests over what comes next.

JC nominated Tyler and Angela, and Big Brother spoilers have revealed that Kaycee won the Power of Veto. Obviously, the POV will go unused, and Kaycee will cast the sole vote for eviction during Thursday night’s live show. Based on the buzz from the live feeds, Kaycee has no doubt about the decision she has to make.

Big Brother Network reveals that in discussions with JC, Kaycee is talking as if she’s torn on this decision. JC mentioned that he’s feeling stressed over this, especially because of what he’s being asked in the Diary Room. Spoilers indicate that later, JC told Tyler that he was anxious about who Kaycee would keep in the eviction, wondering if she’d keep Angela to better her odds at winning.

Big Brother spoilers note that JC and Tyler talked a bit about the upcoming Head of Household challenge, which is expected to be done in three parts as is typical for the show. JC also said that he’s protected Angela a lot this season and he feels he could do well against both women in an endurance HOH competition. Tyler promised JC his vote if he were evicted, but he did quickly backtrack on that a bit.

When Tyler and Kaycee connected, they both made it clear that their pact remains in place. These two made a deal just hours into Season 20 and despite what they might be saying to others, there’s no sign of either Kaycee or Tyler betraying one another.

JC thinks he’s got everything all mapped out, but Kaycee doesn’t share all that much with him and she’s remained completely open with Tyler. Spoilers via Big Brother Daily detail that Wednesday night, JC was telling Tyler that early on he should have laid it all on the table. We went on to tell Tyler to win the competitions and let him be the brains since that’s not Tyler’s strength.

Tyler has done well at biting his tongue and playing along as needed with JC. He’s letting JC dictate how they should play Kaycee in terms of having her evict Angela — and Tyler isn’t doing anything to give JC the sense that he’s out of the loop.

Big Brother spoilers note that there was a moment in this conversation where Tyler perhaps got a bit annoyed, and it was when JC said that nobody in the house has done anything for him. JC thinks that he’s made it to the Final 3 strictly due to his own superior gameplay and he even made a comment about how Tyler and Angela went from royalty ruling the house at the top to now being on the bottom. Tyler didn’t lash out or try to correct him, but he didn’t miss the comments either.

Both Kaycee and Tyler are playing along with all of JC’s talk, but they’ve fully committed to sticking with one another. They’ve already been discussing the different parts of the upcoming HOH and how they should best approach the competitions to ensure that they are together in the final round. They feel pretty confident at this point and they are both letting JC think they’ll both take him to the finals if they win HOH.

Will JC pull a major upset and win this final HOH so he can guarantee he’s in the Final 2 or will it be Tyler and Kaycee as they’re trying to orchestrate? Just a few more episodes remain before the Season 20 winner is crowned — and additional Big Brother spoilers will surely emerge in the coming days as the HOH competition plays out.

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