30 Hiking Puns For Instagram For When The #Views Are Unbe-LEAF-able

There’s something so special about putting your phone on airplane mode, throwing on your favorite backpack, slipping into a pair of hiking boots, and going for a walk in nature. It gives you time to totally disconnect from your busy life, focus on the physical challenge at hand, and at the end, you have a pretty stellar payoff at the top of the hill or mountain. But even though you won’t be answering any texts or emails, you’ll still have your phone out to snap some pics, so you’ll definitely need some hiking puns for Instagram so you can post all of your #outdoorsy photos later on.

When the fresh air is unbe-leaf-able and when you’re a succa for the views, only some seriously hilarious hiking puns will do. After all, you’re going to be taking some gorgeous pics as you go through the woods, desert, hills, or fields, and your captions should accurately reflect how awed you are by nature — with a good sense of humor, of course.

The next time you head out on a hike and need some caption ideas for all of your snaps, keep these fun puns in mind. They’ll do just pine, and you wood never have it any other way.

1. "Just kickin’ it with my birches, HBU?"

2. "Wood you believe that I’m actually on a hike right now?"

3. "I’m a succa for nature."

4. "I wood never leaf a hiker behind."

5. "Think outside. No box required."

6. "You don’t like the outdoors? Unbe-leaf-able."

7. "Bloom, baby, bloom!"

8. "I fernly beleaf my tree puns are qualitree."

9. "Sticking to the backcountry rivers, because they’re less mainstream."

10. "Are you oakay? Yes, I’m pine. Why woodn’t I be?"

11. "I’m so excited about hiking that I almost wet my plants."

12. "Plants are my buds."

13. "What a perfect day to chill with my birches and soak up these #views."

14. "Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s maple leaves."

15. "Last bud not least, it’s time to take a hike."

16. "Make like a tree and leave."

17. "May the forest be with you."

18. "How does a tree show that it doesn’t know the answer to something? It shrubs."

19. "Getting to the top of the hill was such a re-leaf."

20. "What did the river say to the hiker with the clunky boots? WATER THOSE?!"

21. "There is no WiFi in the forest, but I promise you will find a better connection."

22. "Water you doing next to the river?"

23. "The view up here is breathtaking, and I know it’s all downhill from here."

24. "BRB, just living my life in full bloom."

25. "Someone told me to ‘take a hike,’ so I did."

26. "Let’s put the petal to the metal."

27. "The hill looked hard at first, but I got over it."

28. "These boots were made for hikin’."

29. "The wildflowers are blooming with good vibes."

30. "You grow, girl."

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