Watch this freaky dog-like robot twerk to ‘Uptown Funk’

If you’re looking for a night out on the town, there might be a chance you could go dancing with Boston Dynamics’ four-legged robot.

In a video titled “UpTown Spot” that was posted to YouTube on Tuesday, the company’s “SpotMini” robot busts a move — “running man” and all.

To a cover of Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars’ “Uptown Funk,” Spot performs a variety of dance moves, including ones that have it craning its neck and backing it up.

Twitter users often take to the social media platform after Boston Dynamics uploads videos of its robots newest functions and Tuesday was no exception.

Gavin Sheridan tweeted that Spot’s dance moves are “simultaneously both terrifying and hilarious.”

“Ok Boston dynamics videos are usually pretty great but this is on a new level,” user TheBackyardScientist wrote.

Earlier this year, Boston Dynamics uploaded a video of the SpotMini’s ability to open doors.

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