Useful Gmail update could be exactly what millions have been waiting for

Gmail fans could be set for a very useful update which will make accessing emails a whole lot faster. Microsoft has just announced plans to integrate the hugely popular Gmail service into its platform meaning users will be able to view all of their messages from one place. According to reports, this update has already begun rolling out to customers with one individual even posting an image of how it will look.


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A member of the public named Florian B tweeted a photo which clearly shows the option to add Gmail to Outlook.

The photo includes a Google logo with a plus sign beside it along with the words, “Add your Google Mail and Calendar to Outlook and easily manage everything in one place.”

Along with the mail and calendar being integrated, it’s also thought users will be able to access their Google Drive as well which would then make it much more seamless to add files to both your Gmail and Outlook messages.

This early look appears to be from a test version of Outlook and there’s no word on when a full rollout will take place with Microsoft staying tight-lipped about any official news.

In a statement to The Verge, a Microsoft spokesperson said: “We are always looking for new ways to extend the best email experience to our customers and can confirm that we’re experimenting with a small set of users to learn and gather feedback.”

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This latest Outlook news comes after Microsoft also announced a major change for Mac users.

Apple owners have long been able to use Outlook but it’s no secret the software has been trailing behind its web, Android and iOS counterparts in terms of performance and features.

Luckily for those who own a Mac, that appears to be changing.

Microsoft has recently announced it will be souping-up the Outlook app for Mac with a slick new design and better performance.

Perhaps the most striking part of Outlook for Mac is its aesthetic. In particular, the app’s iconic ribbon (the toolbar at the top) can now be hidden if users prefer a cleaner-looking email experience.

Outlook for Mac is also receiving a number of notable new features that bring it up to speed with its web counterpart. In particular, Microsoft is introducing the ability to read and write emails with a single line view and a new compose interface.

Plus, Mac fans can now finally enjoy blissful silence with the ability to ignore emails.

Outlook for Mac beta testers can take advantage of the app’s new features right now. For everyone else, it’s currently unclear when the overhauled software will land.

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