Switch a boon for time-poor time-travellers

The Nintendo Switch has been fantastic for nostalgic types like me, and for indie lovers too, because it lets you enjoy smaller or more familiar games at any time, without eating into the brand new, big screen gaming experiences of your evenings and weekends.

The portable system is packed with '80s and '90s delights but, over the last week, I've been riding a wave of titles resurrected from the early 2000s; the golden age of PlayStation 2 adventures.

I'd already replayed the previously Sony-exclusive Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy IX on Switch (the eighth entry, unfortunately, appears to have fallen off the face of the Earth), but Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster is a different kind of experience.

While the older PS1 games are still fun, they've not aged gracefully in the visuals department owing to their mix of 2D and 3D graphics designed for CRT televisions. But 2001's FFX, while still being almost 20 years old, looks wonderful in HD. It's an interesting and emotional tale — if you can excuse the baffling introduction and dated voicework — wrapped in a smart and streamlined take on the traditional turn-based RPG. Its sequel, also included in the Switch package, is more experimental but shines just as brightly in its remastered format.

If these two games alone don't offer enough spikey-haired Japanese dreamboats for you, Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age is due on Switch next week.

Meanwhile, I'm, enjoying a hearty dose of text-heavy courtroom drama with the Ace Attorney Trilogy, beginning with the original 2001 game (it didn't make it to English territories until 2005), which holds up thanks to redrawn art as well as the original kooky humour.

And I've been continuing to chip away at Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy, a criminally underrated adventure game from 2003 that feels a bit like Zelda and a bit like Jak & Daxter. With the likes of The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess still not on Switch, and Sony's stable of PS2 character action games not likely to ever arrive there, Sphinx is a great game to have on the road.

Finally, if horror is more your thing, the system will soon be home to the three early 2000s Resident Evil entries, including the 2002 GameCube remake of the original game, the fun but forgettable Resident Evil 0 and the absolutely stellar Resident Evil 4. They're all due to hit on May 21.

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