Snapchat's new Pixy drone is a 'free-flying sidekick' for selfies

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Snapchat has unveiled a new gadget to help users get their perfect snap.

It’s a dinky yellow drone that follows you around and automatically takes pictures and videos which can then be shared to Snapchat.

Called Pixy, the small device takes off and lands in the palm of your hand and tracks the head and body of the owner in order to follow and capture the best selfie.

Sadly for UK snappers, Pixy is initially only going on sale in the US and France.

It comes with a set of pre-programmed flight plans to take different types of photos and videos as it floats above you.

Snap [Snapchat’s parent company] chief executive Evan Spiegel called Pixy a ‘pocket-sized, free-flying sidekick for adventures big and small’.

Speaking during the tech firm’s annual Snap Partner Summit, Mr Spiegel said: ‘There are no controllers. There’s no complex set-up. Simply select a flight path and let Pixy take it from there.’

‘And it knows when and where to return, landing gently in the palm of your hand.’

The camera company confirmed the Pixy would cost $230 (£184), but didn’t reveal if or when it will be launched in the UK.

Elsewhere at the Summit, Snap said its Snapchat app was now used by more than 600 million people, which includes more than 300 million daily active users around the world.

Mr Spiegel said the app now reached more than 75% of those aged 13 to 34 in more than 20 countries.

The app’s augmented reality Lenses are, on average, interacted with six billion times every day, he added.

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