Harvard professor says alien technology may have crashed into the Pacific Ocean

There may be technology from an alien civilisation sitting at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

According to Harvard astrophysicist Dr. Avi Loeb, an interstellar object crash-landed off the coast of Papa New Guinea back in 2014.

Dr. Loeb, along with fellow researcher Dr. Ami Siraj, conducted a study that first mentioned the object and suggested it came from interstellar space.

The study was accepted in 2019 by Harvard University but publishing was paused due to classified data that was used.

Now, the United States Space Command has tweeted a memo confirming the object was a meteor from a different solar system. Which makes it the first official interstellar visitor to Earth.

The memo from the agency concludes that anything that did fall into the ocean was debris left over from the meteor burning up in our atmosphere.

6/ “I had the pleasure of signing a memo with @ussfspoc’s Chief Scientist, Dr. Mozer, to confirm that a previously-detected interstellar object was indeed an interstellar object, a confirmation that assisted the broader astronomical community.” pic.twitter.com/PGlIOnCSrW

But Dr. Loeb thinks there’s more to it than that.

‘Once collected, we could place our hands around sizeable chunks of interstellar matter and examine its composition and nature. The ocean on site is a couple of kilometers deep, and the impact region is uncertain to within ten kilometers. But an expedition to explore this region for meteor fragments is feasible, and we are currently engaged in designing it,’ he wrote in an essay published by The Debrief.

‘The fundamental question is whether any interstellar meteor might indicate a composition that is unambiguously artificial in origin?

‘Better still, perhaps some technological components would survive the impact. My dream is to press some buttons on a functional piece of equipment that was manufactured outside of Earth.’

Dr. Loeb has also conducted a lot of research into the Oumuamua asteroid that Earth encountered in 2017.

The asteroid, estimated to be between 100 and 1,000 metres, moved in a strange way and was studied by scientists as it flew through our galactic neighbourhood.

It was deemed an object of ‘purely natural origin’ in July 2019.

Bu Dr. Loeb published a book last year, ‘Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth’, in which he argues Oumuamua was the first evidence of an alien civilisation out among the stars.

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