Best Exercise Bikes for 2020: Which home fitness bike should you buy?

As it's January, many people are likely looking to shed some of that "winter weight", and there are few better ways to do so than with cycling. The trouble is, the Great British Weather isn't always conducive to a good workout, and there's nothing worse than having the workout you've looked forward to all day being rained out.

That makes having a home exercise bike ideal, meaning you can push the pedals without leaving the comfort of your own living space – weather be damned.

The trouble is that there are hundreds of options out there, with high street stores like Argos, John Lewis and Sports Direct as well as online stores like Amazon offering almost too much in the way of choice. Luckily for you, we've sifted through the huge number of makes and models to find the finest exercise bikes around, with something to fit almost every price bracket.

While some exercise bikes can feel as though they are a real bike, it's worth pointing out that cheaper options generally don't feel as natural – so be prepared to spend a fair bit more for a more accurate feeling ride.

Best Exercise Bikes 2020


This spin bike isn't cheap, but it's one of the best on the market. It's smaller than many full-sized gym bikes, but doesn't skimp on comfort – and also offers virtual training software that essentially adjusts the resistance on the bike to simulate a hill climb.

You may not get to enjoy a view at the time, but you'll get the kind of workout you wouldn't believe.

Price: £1599 from – Buy here now


A much more affordable bike that lacks in realism but still offers plenty of resistance to get you sweating, this Bodymax cycle is comparable to something you'd find in your local gym's spin classes.

If you're looking to break a sweat without breaking the bank, this is your best bet.

Price: £209 from Amazon – Buy here now


Looking for a slightly more comfortable ride? This recumbent bike is a lot more comfortable, making it ideal for riders recovering from injury – or who simply want a more relaxed position to exercise in.

Just be aware that because of the length of the bike, it does take up more room.

Price: £219 from Amazon – Buy here now


With a 22kg flywheel, this Nordictrack can really step up the resistance – bringing you that kind of searing hamstring test that feels horrible while it lasts but that helps you feel smug for the rest of the day (so long as you're sat down).

With solid construction, it's ideal for prepping for your spin class – or hosting one.

Price: £609.80 from Amazon – Buy here now


Something a little different, this Assault bike lives up to its name. Focused on High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), it's part-cycle and part-elliptical – and all workout.

It uses air resistance that it generates with the fan, and works your arms and legs at the same time. One for the hardcore, perhaps.

Price: £949.00 from Amazon – Buy here now

What about Peloton?

If you're looking for motivation as well as the means to exercise at home, Peloton could be worth considering. It's not cheap (starting at £1990), but Peloton bikes are widely regarded as being some of the best in the market.

The bikes offer a touchscreen display with live coaching sessions beamed straight to your bike – allowing you to feel like you're in the middle of a spin class from the comfort of your own home, while also being able to link to your smartwatch to track health data.

The included app also offers plenty of different workout options, including running, yoga, strength training and more – and it also offers the same high-quality coaching classes.

You can find out more about Peloton here – and get a 30-day free trial.

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