Amazon Alexa not working in UK with thousands unable to switch alarm clocks off

The popular smart home speaker Amazon Alexa is having a few problems, according to thousands of user reports.

Almost 8000 people have reported issues with Alexa this morning via Downdetector, with that number rapidly rising since 7AM.

Although Amazon's service status dashboard reports no issues with its Web Services cloud platform, Alexa owners from Falmouth to Northampton are complaining of issues.

Many of them say that Alexa is simply respond to any voice requests with an error message: "Sorry, something went wrong."

"My whole house relies on Alexa for lighting, heating, security, doors etc – I'm sitting in a dark house in the cold and the door wont open," wrote one complaint.

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"She is refusing to acknowledge me!!" wrote another. "On all 4 devices, fire TV and no music. Thankfully I can still control lights on app."

Amazon has not yet responded to the problem publicly, but has been approached for comment.

Alexa is Amazon's artificial intelligence voice assistant. It can be used with a smart speaker or a range of other devices to do things like browse the web, order products, control smart home appliances, and much more. However, Alexa relies on connection to Amazon Web Services, which may be the cause of its problems this morning.

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