Let's Remember Some Candidates: 1992 Election Card Guys Part Two

When last we visited Wild Card’s inexplicable and weirdly conscientious set of trading cards from the 1992 presidential election, we were taunted. Not just in the usual way that the past tends to taunt in a Remembering Some Guys scenario—all the reminders of things come and gone, the wreathing ambient heaviness of time passing and the different heaviness of it passing into this uneasy present—but in an even more pointed and painful one. It said right on the outside of the damn pack that there was a Billionaire Ross Perot Special Subset in the set, and yet there was not one solitary Billionaire Ross Perot card to be found in that pack. Splinter’s Nick Martin and I had to talk about depressing and still-unresolved policy bullshit and George H.W. Bush’s jawline like a pair of damn idiots.

Luckily, for us and everyone else, fortune smiled on us in the second pack. The elfin populist we sought popped right up, as did cards pertaining to Bill Clinton’s “Saxophone (Sex) Appeal” and “The Hillary Issue” and Clarence Thomas and some other stuff that is somehow still happening enough that people still talk about it. There’s also an informative card on the nuts and bolts of how presidential elections work. I sing a little bit. We’re pretty bummed out by the end, unsurprisingly, but we did get our Ross Perot card.

This seems like a good place to mention that being bummed out by what the past has given way to is no reason not to vote. It is, in fact, as good a reason to vote as any that exists. Remember that on Tuesday, please.

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