Scientists cloning dogs using just pooches’ urine

This is unlike Dylan, whose clones, Shadow and Chance, were created from tissue samples.

The first animals to be cloned only from urine were mice, which were created by researchers at Japan’s University of Yamanashi.

A report about the successful experiment in 2016 said: “Cells derived from urine, which can be collected non-invasively, may be used in the rescue of endangered mammalian species by using nuclear transfer without causing injury to the animal.”

Mr Remde estimated there are now more than 1,000 cloned dogs, either living as pets or used as service animals.

And although the $110, 000 cloning cost may deter some people, it looks as though that figure will only increase.

Explaining his decision to clone his girlfriend Laura’s dogs in the first place, he said the couple thought of the animals as family members.

He told the Telegraph and Argus: “Laura was so devastated after the death of her best friend, I would have tried anything to make her happy again.

“We know our dog companions can be just as important as any family member and losing them can be devastating and hard to come to terms with.”

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