Only those with razor sharp eyesight can solve this brainteaser in 20 seconds

Brainteasers are a great way to test the mind in quiet moments whether it’s on the train commuting to work or whilst relaxing at home.

There are different types of brainteasers. Some are number-based and ask you to solve a trick maths problem while others are optical and provide an illusion for your brain to try and twist itself around.

Other brainteasers are just observational and ask the user to try and find a hidden object inside the graphic or drawing.

This latest brainteaser from British property company Portmeirion is an example of an observational brainteaser.

Your task is to try and find the daisy among the picnic-based items above. Only those with keenest eyesight will be able to spot it in under 20 seconds.

Did you spot the daisy? No worries if not, the answer is circled above. It was behind one of the scones on the right-hand side of the graphic, just below a knife.

While brainteasers may seem like light-hearted distractions for quiet or boring moments, some experts say they could have long-term benefits.

Brainteasers help to exercise the mind and keep it sharper for longer contributing to brain health. The healthier the brain, the less likely it will be to develop a neurodegenerative condition such as dementia.

This isn’t to say doing brainteasers will dramatically reduce someone’s risk of the condition, other factors can have a much bigger impact, but doing brain puzzles such as crosswords or sudokus can help keep the mind sharp.

Dementia is one of the biggest killers in the UK and scientists from around the world are trying to work out how people can reduce their risk.

One risk factor that has been identified for dementia patients is the air people breathe. Professor Marc Weisskopf, who ran a study on this issue, said: “Everybody has to breathe, so everybody is exposed to this.

“The population-level effect could actually be quite large because the number of people exposed is massive.”

The Alzheimer’s Association, a dementia charity, confirmed that exposure to air pollution could be a major factor. They said: “Certain forms of air pollution increase a person’s risk of dementia.

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