EasyJet sex pretender wants romp in space – ‘3 minutes of no gravity is enough’

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    A 21-year-old woman has laid out her dreams of having sex in space after admitting she's classier than an EasyJet toilet.

    Elsa Thora has raked in a fortune from adoring blokes on OnlyFans throwing money at her each month to see exclusive raunchy content.

    Now the Swedish model living in Yorkshire, has set her sights beyond the sky to become the first woman to join the 55mile club.

    READ MORE: EasyJet sex couple punch air with pride and high-five as passengers cheer in new footage

    Elsa caused a stir earlier this week claiming to have starred in a video of a couple having sex onboard an EasyJet flight from Luton to Ibiza.

    Only when quizzed by the Daily Star about the viral clip, did Elsa confess her requests for credit on Twitter were nothing more than a cheeky attempt to build her brand.

    And it worked, she said: "I’ve had loads of follows and lots of messages which is I assume from people seeing my comments about it."

    Joining the mile high club may be on many people's bucket lists, as it is for Elsa but doing the deed onboard a budget airline isn't quite how the 21-year-old imagines her experience.

    "It would have to be British airways at a minimum."

    Copping off on a plane or is one way for Elsa to boost her following, but doing so out of this world is quite another.

    With Elon Musk's SpaceX, Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin and Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic, there will soon be no shortage of trips to space for those with deep enough pockets.

    Virgin Galactic became the latest space tourism company to send non-astronauts out of Earth's gravitational pull, last month.

    A mother and daughter duo and 80-year-old former Olympian took to the stars but if Elsa had her way, the 60 minute flight would look a bit different.

    Speaking of filming some racy footage with the globe as a background, Elsa told the Daily Star: "That’s something I would genuinely love to do, imagine all the positions you could do in zero gravity.

    Virgin's hour-long flight on August 10 included just four to five minutes of weightlessness on the VSS Unity, but that isn't a problem for Elsa.

    "The minutes is all I need to get the job done," she laughed

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    Elsa certainly wouldn't say no to a journey with SpaceX either.

    "Elon Musk seems the most chill out of them," she said on the space race billionaires. "Also he’s built the biggest rocket and I never say no to riding the biggest available."

    Adult star and legendary meme Johnny Sins has said he wants to be the first performer to have sex in space, and may get Elon Musk to help him.

    Sins confirmed it would be "very cool" to see his dream realised, with a campaign for his trip to space ongoing since 2015.

    • Easyjet
    • space
    • Sex confessions
    • Sex Positions
    • Space
    • Elon Musk
    • Spacex
    • Jeff Bezos

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