Aliens ‘flashing laser beams’ to Earth to be intercepted by billionaire astronomer

“When it comes to intelligent life beyond Earth, we don’t know where it exists or how it communicates”

Yuri Milner

“So our philosophy is to look in as many places, and in as many ways, as we can,” he added.

“VERITAS expands our range of observation even further.”

Milner used his massive wealth to fund the $100 million (£82 million) Breakthrough Listen 10-year project himself.

The massive undertaking began in 2015 and has already surveyed more than 1,000 stars within 160 light-years from Earth.

But despite this laborious search for signs of alien radio signals, the team has yet to find one.

But many scientists, included the late physicist Stephen Hawking, believe there must be intelligent alien life hiding somewhere in the cosmos.

At Breakthrough Listen’s launch, Hawking said: “We believe that life arose spontaneously on Earth, so in an infinite universe, there must be other occurrences of life.

“Somewhere in the cosmos, perhaps intelligent life might be watching these lights of ours, aware of what they mean.

“Or do our lights wander a lifeless cosmos, unseen beacons announcing that, here on one rock, the universe discovered its existence?

“Either way, there is no better question.”

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