Jon Pardi offers an unvarnished look into his life during quarantine in a new installment of CMT’s On the Road digital series. Retitled Off the Road — since Pardi and none of his peers are touring — the mini-documentary captures the “Heartache Medication” country singer at his Goodlettsville, Tennessee, home.
Pardi is shown running heavy equipment and clearing land (he plans to raise cows on his 40 acres next year), getting a haircut from his fiancée Summer (they had to postpone their wedding till the fall), and going grocery shopping (yes, in a mask). While Pardi and his band are still playing together and working on new songs, music is mainly an afterthought in the video, underscoring the reality that daily life has changed for all of us, regardless of your career.
“I miss going out somewhere to have a beer and tacos and the little stuff — running into people randomly, you don’t really do that anymore,” Pardi says in a series of humanizing interviews. “The little things like that are gone. Seeing people… I think that’s a big deal.”
Pardi and his assistant filmed the episode; there was no CMT camera crew on-site. And the singer isn’t sure when he’ll be in front of a professional camera or on a stage again.
“There’s talk of a whole year not playing concerts,” he says. “The worst feeling is not knowing when you’re going to get back to work… I planned so much, this was supposed to be the year that I did my own thing. I was on my time, now I’m on quarantine time.”
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