Glastonbury 2020 tickets – how to register for tickets to next year's festival

With 2020 being Glastonbury’s 50th anniversary, it’s bound to be a particularly special year to attend the festival.

This also unfortunately means that the tickets for next year’s festival are likely going to be even more highly in demand than they usually are.

So even though Glastonbury 2019 is still underway, it’s never too early for music fans to think about registering for tickets…

How to register for tickets to Glastonbury 2020

To register for Glastonbury 2020, you’ll have to go to the official Glastonbury website, which is the safest place to buy valid, official tickets to the festival.

There, you’ll need to fill in personal details such as your name and your age.

You’ll also be asked to provide a passport-style photo of yourself in which you’re wearing a neutral expression and are positioned against a plain and light background.

It’s not yet known exactly what dates Glastonbury 2020 will be held on, and they likely won’t be confirmed until around October when the tickets are also likely to go on sale.

We can however pretty safely assume that the festival will once again be held at the end of June.

Ticket costs will probably sit at around the £250 mark, if this year’s prices are anything to go by.

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