The October 2018 New Moon Will Affect Your Love Life, But Here’s How It Can Also Strengthen Your Relationship

Ooh la la! We’re in Libra season, and there’s plenty of love to go around, swirling in the autumn breeze. Although, I’ll be honest with you though, things aren’t as peachy as they seem, and the October 2018 new moon will definitely affect your love life, so don’t be fooled by the magic of this whimsical Libra season. Sorry not sorry, stargazers. I will never bull sh*t you, especially when I’m referring to the cosmos. Granted, the astro weather shows that there will be some hurricane force winds during the upcoming new moon in Libra, but not to worry, I’m here to tell you how to make it a fresh new beginning.

So, what’s so important about a new moon, anyway? Well, new moons are a symbol of new beginnings, as it marks the very first lunar cycle. This is why it’s a great time to set intentions, and plant seeds for the future. Now, as you know, this lunation won’t be your typical new moon, and I’ll explain why. Venus rules Libra, and the planet of love is currently traveling through the underworld in Scorpio, which is why this astrological season already feels so eerie. Libra wants to compromise and relate to others, while Scorpio wants to dig deep and merge mind, body, and soul. See the difference?

However, despite the shade of Venus in Scorpio, the goddess of love is asking us to look beneath the cracks and shadows of our current relationships, and values. What needs work? Who is indeed worthy of our time? In the end, if we really pay attention to what’s being presented to us in our current partnerships, while being honest with ourselves and taking our values into consideration, we can actually benefit from this relationship-driven season. In fact, many of you might even feel more secure of your relationship once this transit is over. In the meantime, let’s take a closer look at this new moon:

New Moon, New Perspective On Your Relationships

The new moon in Libra on Oct. 8 is a cosmic portal to new beginnings in our current relationships. On the day of this lunation, the sun and moon, in Libra, will make a quincunx to mystical Neptune, which can ultimately blur out our current reality. Remember, the planet Neptune is elusive and otherworldly, which is why it can also be deceiving at times. The moon in Libra is about balance, harmony, relationships, and values. Now, if we add Neptune to the mix, we can either learn to be more compassionate with ourselves, and our partners, or perhaps lose balance. Stay grounded.

Something else to keep in mind is, how do you feel in your current relationships? Are you actually happy? Or are you just going withe flow of things? Neptune is dreamy and glamorous, but that isn’t always the reality of the situation. Luckily, the ambiguity of it all, can also serve as a message from the invisible realm. Pay attention. On the dark side, however, the sun and moon in lovable Libra will also make a tense square to powerful Pluto on the day of the new moon. Remember, Pluto is obsessive, controlling, and intense. After all, it is the god of the underworld, and in Capricorn, it’s as ruthless as ever.

That being said, look out for extreme or manipulative behavior within your relationships. Who knows, maybe you’re the one trying to control the situation, or secretly manipulating the people in your life. Okay, maybe it’s neither, but you get where I’m going with this. Whatever the case may be, the new moon will illuminate this area of your life, which can in turn spark a new chapter. How will you make the best of it? A lunar seed of prosperous new beginnings is yours.

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