There’s no wrong or right time to decide you’re ready to move in with your partner, but there is a right time to look at memes. That time is all the time. Whether you’ve just started living together or have shared a space for while, these memes about living with a partner will hit close to home. The home you now both share. In sickness and in health, in Bachelorette season and in wedding season. Although, small pet peeves, like trails of dirty laundry or leaving lights on when you go to work, pale in comparison to the joys of living together (and the joys of paying half the rent and utilities, holla!) it’s easy to get frustrated or flustered when first living with your special someone.
Moving in together is a big step in a long-term relationship. There’s nothing casual about splitting your water bill or joint grocery shopping, let alone trying to find space for both party’s clothes. With the little stresses that can come in any living situation, it can be healthy to take time to step back and laugh. From fighting over phone chargers, to blanket stealing, and feeling pressure to choose where to eat (getting secondhand anxiety just thinking about that one) here are 16 memes you’ll want to print out and hang in your joint abode.
1Swiper, No Swiping!
Learn to share or you’re sleeping in a sleeping bag.
2The Daily Dish
Maybe somebody could do the dishes. For once.
3If It Looks Cute On me, It’s Mine, Right?
Sharing is caring! And hey, it saves some laundry time.
4I’m Hungry, But Not That Hungry
I am starving and would literally eat anything right now, just nothing that you are suggesting.
5Can We Fix It?
Unclear to me how the Swiss remain politically neutral when all their furniture is aneurysm-inducing.
(I know Ikea is Swedish, but that’s not the joke.)
6Gotta Have Options!
At least give some suggestions I can reject.
7Less Is More
Or shoes. Or hiking gear. Or rare succulents.
8Hotling Bling
I love you enough to tell you to use the downstairs bathroom.
9Meeting Halfway
Honestly, I’m a dog person, but I like respect what’s happening here.
10TV Dinner
Extra points for a movie!
11Let It Out
Once both our names are on that lease in ink, I am not responsible for holding in any bodily fluid or function.
12In The Kitchen, Wrist-Twistin’
We can bulk up on silverware that we will never use because we eat take-out nightly.
13When Bae Can’t Read Your Mind
If you live with me, you better know the brand of lavender infused Jojoba oil I use and that I’m lying when I say I don’t want those sea salt dark-chocolate covered caramels.
Listen, in this life, you need to make food shopping fun or food shopping won’t happen.
15It Adds Up!
Well dressed + lazy = Rocky Mountain Range of clothes.
16Needs And Wants
I was probably being a b*tch, which gave you the tipoff. But nonetheless, I didn’t have to ask for you to go be nice, so it’s a win.
Moving in with your boo is like a never-ending slumber party — 24 hours a day, seven days a week, you’re hanging. Sharing space is a deeper way to bond and grow together, and can be a good trial period to see where the relationship is heading. When sharing a roof, communication is key. You’ll both want to feel comfy and cozy, in the place you call home. Here’s to many more night snuggled together, eating cheap Chinese takeout, with both names on the mailbox.
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