Put Away Your Scissors, Parents: Box Tops Are Finally Going Digital

If you’ve ever clipped Box Tops, you know what a pain in the ass it can be. The program (which benefits a school of your choosing) is fantastic, but the act of cutting is thankless, tedious and time-consuming — or at least it was. Box Tops for Education is finally going digital, and parents can now earn cash for their kiddos school with the push of a button.

The process is simple. Download the free Box Tops for Education app from iTunes or Google Play, designate a school to receive said Box Tops and scan your store receipts. That’s it. And while there are a few rules — receipts must be scanned within 14 days and all participating products will still need to feature a Box Tops for Education label — it’s a small price to pay for convenience.

Seriously. I would rather add 10 seconds to each shopping trip than 30 frantic minutes to my Sunday evenings because, let’s be real, kids never tell you they need to collect tops until the very last minute.


The app also makes it super easy to track your earnings. Qualifying purchases appear instantaneously, and each “top” will still be worth 10 cents.

Now I know what you are thinking: Fab! Sign me up! But get ready, because you haven’t even heard the best part: If you scan a receipt containing a qualifying product between now and November 15, you can win one of five $20,000 makeovers for your school. You can also “double dip” by clipping unexpired traditional Box Tops and scanning your receipt.

So go forth, shop and download the app — and save those scissors for some family-friendly DIYs that are actually fun.

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