Is Martha Stewart's 1-Pot Pasta Hack Too Good to Be True?

Imagine this: instead of prepping pasta and sauce separately, dirtying a few dishes along the way, you add pasta, sauce ingredients, and water to one pot, boil it all together, and just like that, dinner is ready. This seemingly brilliant concept from Martha Stewart Living caused quite a stir on the Internet when it was published in 2013 — search “Martha Stewart one-pot pasta” to see what we’re talking about — but we were curious, does it actually work? Or is there a reason this technique didn’t hit the mainstream until recently?

In short, yes, it works, and it’s tasty, all things considered. If you’re really short on time, can’t stand the idea of washing an extra dish, or are looking for a fun kitchen experiment (it is pretty cool that it can be done), give it a shot. It’s definitely a step up from cooking pasta directly in tomato sauce.

That said, if you can bear to expend marginally more energy and cook pasta the traditional way, do it. There’s a reason pasta is typically boiled in a large volume of water and then drained off; here the starchy pasta water concentrates down too far, glazing the pasta in an unpleasant way. And while some will argue for the brilliance of cooking pasta and sauce together, as it infuses the pasta with the sauce’s ingredients, we found it all to be a bit too homogenous in taste. Fresh basil and parmesan perk things up — if you do try this recipe, don’t be shy with these ingredients — but it’s not quite enough to make it excellent.

If you’re dead set on cooking a one-pot meal, try one of these actually delicious recipes instead.

One-Pot Tomato Onion Linguine




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