Martha Stewart Shares Her Secret for Instant Halloween Vibes (Hint: You Don't Have to Be Crafty)

Martha Stewart may be the queen of Halloween decor, but she has a few tricks up her sleeve for people who might not be as crafty as she is.

Her best trick? “Play very spooky music at your front door so it howls through the neighborhood,” Stewart told PEOPLE at a Cricut and Michael’s crafting event.

She’s so dedicated to this particular holiday power play she created an entire CD titled Martha Stewart Living: Spooky Scary Sounds for Halloween, which features a loop of creepy instrumental music.

“If you have some scary sounds, they’ll come to your house.” Stewart told reporters, “And make your house all dark. Turn every light off.”

However, Stewart also has some quick and affordable craft ideas for sprucing up your home’s entryway during the month of October.

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While she grows and harvests her own pumpkins and prefers carving them herself, she acknowledges that “funkins” (or fake pumpkins) can work just as well for your front porch decor.

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“After twenty eight years of Martha Stewart Living, we have done every conceivable kind of carving,” Stewart says. “I like piercing pumpkins. I like bold designs.”

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Stewart also recommends placing paper bag luminaries with candles up your walkway and purchasing some cheese cloth, which can be used for creating cobwebs or ghost decorations.

For more of Martha Stewart’s tips for DIY Halloween decor, pick up the October issue of Martha Stewart Living, which is published by PEOPLE’s parent company, on stands now.

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