PETA Takes Life Insurance Policy Out On A Carnivore Dieter, Hopes To Turn Him Vegan

PETA tries to convert a carnivore dieter to veganism with a sweet life insurance policy.

PETA has taken out a life insurance policy on a man who is a big supporter of the carnivore diet. The organization hopes to convince the meat-eater to reevaluate his health habits and switch to a vegan diet.

Wally Walters, a New York City resident, shared his carnivore diet with the world via Fox6. Meat is a staple in almost everyone’s meals, but for Walters, it is the only option. The New Yorker does not eat anything else but is adamant that his carnivore diet helps him stay healthy.

“I’ve cut out veggies and pasta and breads for the last two years, but just for the last for months, it’s been strictly no sugar, no vegetables. I had less inflammation in my body. It was easier to get up. I had much more energy.”

When PETA heard of Walters and his carnivore diet, the organization showed concern for the New Yorker’s life and the animals he eats. Their concern was based on Dr. Cristopher Garner’s professional opinion on the carnivore diet. The professor of medicine at Stanford University labeled the carnivore diet as “inappropriate for human health.”

Members of the animal-rights group hatched a plan to save Walters’ life and the animals that make up his diet. PETA contacted the New York Life Insurance Company and took out a life insurance policy on Walters and listed animals as his beneficiaries.

The organization announced their actions through an article published on its official website. According to PETA’s report, it seems that the organization has not contacted or informed Walters about the life insurance policy. It is unclear if PETA will try to contact Walters to share their concerns about his diet. Nonetheless, the animal rights group hopes that Walters listens to their thoughts on his carnivorous diet and decides to go vegan.

It must be noted that most research on the best diet for humans seem to support a well-balanced diet. According to Popular Science, a number of experts in the nutritional and health fields recommend a diet which included a variety of foods, including meat and vegetables. At the end of the day, both meat and vegetables contain specific nutrients unique to that food which humans need.

Meanwhile, a Harvard study concluded that diets are often rehashed versions of previous diets. Harvard researchers did advise eating mostly plants, like fruits and vegetables, but did not recommend avoiding meats. Overall, the scientists recommend committing to a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet, daily exercise, and stress management.

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