Girl sends boyfriend surprise takeaway – but delivery man spots something ‘off’

If you want concrete proof that no good deed ever goes unpunished, then Kayla Speer’s sweet gesture to her boyfriend could probably be it.

Kayla recently decided to surprise her boyfriend and have a takeaway meal sent to him, as he was in the middle of revising for his final exams.

The couple had been together for a few months, and, living three hours apart, were conducting a long-distance relationship .

So what could be nicer when you’re stressed with revision than being surprised by food by your partner?

Lucky old Kayla’s boyfriend, right?

Sadly, Kayla’s thoughtful surprise backfired on her.

Sharing her story on Twitter , Kayla explained how she decided to "do something nice" for her boyfriend while at work one evening, and contacted gourmet sandwich chain, Jimmy John’s.

She wrote: "When I was placing my order to the Jimmy John’s employee I let them know that this was for my boyfriend who lived in that city and that I wouldn’t be present when the food was delivered since I’m 3 hours away.

"I also asked if it was okay for him to sign for me."

Kayla also gave her boyfriend a head’s up.

"My bf had texted me a little bit before letting me know he was going to take a nap. So I sent him a text saying ‘hey, foods on the way for you. Please leave a tip.’ I didn’t hear back from him for a bit, but I just assumed he was sleeping."

Maybe you can already tell where this is going…

A little while later Kayla then got a text from my boyfriend to say "thank you". Then, a few moments later Jimmy John’s called her.

"I picked up assuming they were just informing me that the food was delivered or maybe there was something wrong with my card, but I was dead wrong…

"The delivery driver continued by saying this: ‘Look, we usually don’t do this, but I think you would like to know…when we walked up to the door to your boyfriend’s place we were able to see into his apartment and he was in his boxers with a naked women on top of him on the couch.’"

"I had a few follow up questions for the delivery guy (extremely upset and confused) which he so graciously answered which confirmed that it was in fact my boyfriend who was on the couch with the naked woman."

"So that’s how I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me. BY THE JIMMY JOHN’S DELIVERY GUY."

While understandably upset, Kayla also thanked Jimmy John’s for their excellent customer service.

Kayla, this totally your boyfriend’s loss.

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