Eye health: Zeaxanthin shown to slash your risk of vision decline by 25% – how to take it

Eye health: Nutritionist reveals foods that protect your eyes

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Popular high street chain Holland and Barrett says there are a number of ways for a person to keep their eyes healthy.

This includes making sure a person gets enough zeaxanthin.

Alongside lutein, it is a free-radical fighting antioxidant and carotenoid.

Holland and Barrett says these antioxidants are, “found in leafy green vegetables such as spinach and kale”.

The provider of a number of supplements and products adds: “They naturally collect in the macular – the central part of the retina – and absorb the harmful blue rays from sunlight that can damage retinal cells, acting like a natural pair of sunglasses.

“Studies show getting enough lutein and zeaxanthin significantly reduces your risk of AMD”, says Holland and Barrett.

Getting enough antioxidants isn’t the only way to improve or preserve eyesight.

Omega-3 oils are also recommended for this purpose.

Holland and Barrett say: “Taking fish oils may help to ease dry eyes and improve the quality of the tear film, which stops tears evaporating in our eyes.”

Furthermore, they add: “A study published in the Journal of the British Contact Lens Association in 2015 reported that those taking omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oils, for three months had a decreased tear evaporation rate.”

Vitamin A is also recommended as key to eye health.

In this case vitamin A is used to refer to a group of antioxidant compounds.

The NHS says vitamin A can help the body’s natural defence against illness and infection, help vision in dim light, and keep skin and the lining of some parts of the body healthy.

Vitamin A can be found in a number of foods including:
• Cheese
• Eggs
• Oily fish
• Fortified low-fat spreads
• Milk
• Yoghurt
• Liver and liver products such as pate.

Meanwhile Moorfields Eye Hospital also recommends exercise as “The eyes need oxygen to stay healthy and comfortable.”

“Growing scientific evidence suggests that aerobic exercise can increase crucial oxygen supplies to the optic nerve and lower pressure in the eye” according to the NHS Foundation Trust.

Other steps recommended for healthy eyes include sleeping well, not smoking, and wearing goggles to protect the eyes.

More information on eye health can be found at your local optometrist.

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