Amazon’s Cyber Week sale is officially here and includes an incredible deal on 23andMe’s best-selling DNA kit, ensuring you can grab the kit for a whole lot less than its usual price.
Learn more about your ancestry, health predispositions, and how your DNA affects your traits and overall wellness with 23andMe’s popular health and ancestry personal genetic service DNA kit, which is currently 35 percent off. The $129 bundle, which makes for a great holiday gift, includes everything you need to get started right at home. There’s no word on how long this promotion will last, though, so you’ll have to hurry if you want to get it at a discount.
Buy It! 23andMe Health + Ancestry Personal Genetic Service DNA Test, $129 (orig. $199);
Each kit comes with the tools you’ll need to collect and send in a sample of your DNA, as well as access to detailed information about your genetic breakdown. Reports regarding health predispositions, carrier status, various traits, genetic ancestry, and overall wellness are all included. After you send in your sample, you’ll receive the results, which you can view online or in the app, in six to eight weeks.
23andMe is currently one of the most thorough DNA test kits on the market. Its various tests include ancestry information covering 1000+ geographic regions, carrier status in 40 areas, five wellness reports, and 10 health predispositions like late-onset Alzheimer’s disease and Type 2 Diabetes. You’ll also learn more about 30 various traits like your ideal wake-up time and whether your hair is susceptible to photobleaching (in other words, can it change color in the sun?).
The incredible deal is currently available for both Prime members and non-members, though only members (or anyone who signs up for a free 30-day trial) will score free, two-day shipping. And while most of Amazon’s holiday sale is open to everyone, there will be new, member-exclusive markdowns and Deals of the Day launching around-the-clock as part of its 12 Days of Deals event.
Before you get started, you’ll want to be sure to read through 23andMe’s various privacy notices and test information. Once you’re ready to dive in and learn everything there is to know about your DNA, hop on over to Amazon to score this deal before the prices go back up.
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