Mary Berry’s chocolate cake ready in 25 minutes is the ‘easiest ever’ recipe

Chocolate cake is a staple treat for many people, and it couldn’t be easier to make, especially with Mary’s recipe.

Sharing it on BBC Good Food, the easy chocolate cake has 108 four-star ratings and serves eight to 10 people, perfect for any gathering.

It also takes less than 30 minutes of preparation time and will cook in the oven on 180C or 160C Fan for less than 30 minutes.

To get started, lightly butter two loose-bottomed sandwich tins before lining them with greaseproof paper to avoid sticking.

Mary’s recipe recommended using 20cm tins or eight inches which is a standard cake tin size.

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For the cake:

225g unsalted butter, softened

225g caster sugar

Four free-range eggs

220g self-raising flour

1tsp baking powder

50g cocoa powder

For the filling:

4tbsp apricot jam, or any jam of choice

300ml whipping cream, softly whipped

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1. Put the butter, sugar, eggs, flour, baking powder and cocoa powder into a large bowl and beat for two minutes, or until just blended.

The recipe recommended using an electric mixer for this step, but a wooden spoon will also work.

2. Divide the mixture evenly between the tins. Level the surface using a spatula or the back of a spoon. Leaving a slight dip in the middle can also help to encourage an even bake.

3. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until cooked all the way through. The recipe states that the tops of the cakes should spring back when pressed lightly with a finger.

Make sure to leave them to cool slightly in the tins before carefully turning the cakes out onto a wire rack and removing the paper.

4. Once cooked, choose the cake with the best top and then put the other one top down onto a serving plate. Spread your chosen jam and whipped cream onto the cake before putting the other cake on top.

The chocolate sponge cake layers will freeze for a month when unfilled and well-wrapped in clingfilm.

When ready to use the cake, defrost at room temperature before unwrapping the cake and filling it with the chosen fillings.

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