Angela Rippon’s flavoursome mushroom toast recipe that reminds her of her father

Having had a strong involvement with the Alzheimer’s Society for over 20 years, since her mother Edna was diagnosed with dementia in 2004, Angela Rippon has shared a tasty dish she likes to make as part of the organisation’s collection of ‘Dine in for Dementia Recipes’.

Angela claims that this mushroom toast recipe is “flavoursome” and can be done in just four minutes.

Her love of the recipe came from her father making it for her since she was 10 years old.

She said: “My father loved to cook – but he was also a great man for the outdoors.

“So at weekends from when I was about 10, we went cycling – usually in the South Hams in Devon, or on Dartmoor.

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“He would always look for field mushrooms, which he loved – then take them home and cook them.

“Very simply he would wash and slice them, then gently cook them in milk, with black pepper, and serve on toast.”

Angela claims that she now has created her “own version” of the mushroom toast her father would make her.

For her recipe, she starts by taking a mix of small button mushrooms, and shitake mushrooms, then washes and slices them.

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The next step is to toss them in olive oil and a little balsamic vinegar.

Once the mushrooms have been coated, put them in the microwave on a low setting for four minutes.

Angela said: “It produces tender, flavoursome mushrooms, which I serve on either toasted brioche or green salad.”

BBC Good Food has a similar mushroom-on-toast recipe, but instead of just coating the mushrooms with oil and vinegar, they suggest cooking the mushrooms in creme fraiche.

When cooking the mushrooms they recommend adding butter to the pan followed by the mushrooms. Cook for two minutes, then add the garlic and creme fraiche. Cook for three to five minutes more until the mushrooms are soft and lightly coated in the creme fraiche.

To finish off they recommend stirring through a little parsley and piling up the mushrooms on the toast with prosciutto and more parsley.

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