So fans were confused when they saw the formerly "skinny" star was showcasing new curves: a big bum, boobs, accentuated hips and a tiny, defined waist – AKA the "Instagram body" made famous by Kim Kardashian – on her page this week.
Just a few years ago the super-skinny "heroin chic" and "size-0" bodies were all the rage, made popular by celebs such as Kate Moss and Nicole Richie – but it seems the tide has changed.
Just last summer Charlotte Crosby defended herself against accusations of going too far and "looking too thin" from concerned fans due to her 8lb weight loss after posting a series of slender selfies.
Now, it seems the star – who has released a series of weight loss DVDs – has decided to embrace her curvier side, following in the footsteps of celebs such as Kim K, Love Island's Megan Barton Hanson and former TOWIE celeb Lauren Goodger – who love to flaunt their toned hourglass shapes.
The lengths people go to to get this look are extraordinary, and often extreme – with surgery, waist training and fad diets often playing a part in the transformation.
Many are sure to question whether chasing these standards can possibly be worth the risks involved, and even more will ask why these naturally stunning women can't just embrace their bodies the way they are.
However, despite its cartoonish proportions and clear perils, the "Instagram body" has become the most sought-after beauty standard on social media.
Men who have just eaten prefer smaller breasts
While her latest Instagram snap has led to speculation from fans that she has had more surgery to achieve the hourglass shape, former Geordie Shore star Charlotte confirmed that she had a boob job last year.
It was corrective surgery to get rid of what she called her 'uniboob' – after she was born without a gap in her cleavage and cruel followers criticised her "deformed" body on social media.
It's thought she is a 34D and, combined with her tiny waist, this can attract attention from men, according to researchers.
A 2009 study tracking men's eye movements found that when looking at images of women, blokes first checked out their breasts and waists.
Men also looked for longer at breasts – and the research showed they preferred a smaller waist.
However, ladies with big boobs such as Megan Barton Hanson might need to watch out: a 2013 study published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour found men’s preferences for larger female breasts were significantly associated with a greater tendency to be benevolently sexist, and to be hostile towards and objectify women.
Other studies have found that wealthy men and those who have just eaten prefer smaller breasts, while poorer and hungrier guys like bigger jugs.
It's thought that this is simply down to the fact that women with large breasts have more fat reserves, and the size of their boobs would be a signal they had more access to resources such as food.
Whereas rich men and men who have recently eaten a meal will find those with smaller boobs more attractive as they are not lacking resources, financial or otherwise.
Women with big butts have smarter kids
The 'Instagram booty' has become a massive trend in recent months, with a pert, rounded and big bum being all the rage.
Celebs such as Lauren Goodger are known for posting sexy 'belfies' where they show off their assets – and demand for lifting plastic surgery, bum-sculpting undies and exercise classes has never been higher as women seek to achieve the 'thick' look.
Rapper Sir Mix A Lot famously said "I like big butts and I cannot lie" – and he's not the only man out there who prefers a woman with a bootylicious behind.
According to evolutionary psychologists the fact that men like women with big bums is woven into their genes.
This is because it's a sign that women are storing fat in the right places – which would make them more fertile and able to give birth to healthy kids.
Not only that – studies have shown that women with bigger butts will have more intelligent children.
The fat stored in women's bums – gluteofemoral fat – contains unique fatty acids that are important for babies' brain development.
As these femoral fat stores go up, so do the cognitive scores of babies born to the women – so expect Kim and Kanye's brood to take on the world.
A bloke's view
Sun Online asked Ricci from Geordie Shore what he thought of the 'Instagram body'.
He says: "Charlotte and all the girls from Geordie Shore look great, but to be honest I'm not hugely into big bums like Kim Kardashian's – I don't like a flat bum, but a tight ass does me just fine.
As for boobs, I fancy girls with C/D/E cups, but in all honesty I'm not that fussed.
At the end of the day, it's all down to the person getting the surgery and what makes them happy.
We are living in an age of everyone striving for perfection – I'm no stranger to a bit of surgery myself.
Charlotte, myself and other celebs are in the public eye and people do catch on to things we’ve had done and follow suit, but if it makes you happy it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks."
Having a small hip-to-waist ratio is a sign of good health
For celebs, it's all about having massive hips now, as this gives the illusion of having a much smaller waist.
And from an evolutionary perspective, wide hips send a strong signal to men that a female is an adult who is capable of reproduction.
Not only that, but your hip-to-waist ratio is believed by scientists to be an indicator of developing health problems such as heart disease, strokes and diabetes.
It is calculated by dividing the circumference of your waist by that of your hips – and having a larger ratio puts you more at risk.
Earlier this year, Kim said she had slimmed her waist down to a tiny 24 inches, but still had 39 inch hips.
This gives her a hip-to-waist ratio of 0.62 – well below the low risk of 0.80 – and we are sure with her curvy frame, Charlotte's will be similar.
An hourglass shape has long been the preferred women's figure for men, and it is believed this is because it is associated with women having relatively high levels of the hormone oestrogen.
Since oestrogen levels influence fertility, men seeking to pass their genes to the next generation will be more inclined to pick hourglass-shaped women.
Having a flatter stomach is also part of the ideal – and again this is desired as it shows your oestrogen levels.
If a woman has a larger tummy, her oestrogen levels will be lower and she will therefore be subconsciously seen as less likely to give birth to healthy babies.
Full lips show you're excited about having sex
Charlotte has admitted to having lip fillers, saying in an interview on This Morning in March that she has them done once a year.
A global survey from earlier this year, published in the Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, found that the most desirable lips were full and sumptuous, as well as symmetrical and with a pronounced cupid's bow.
These are the lips favoured by reality stars such as Charlotte – and experts say they are a sign that a person is sensual.
"When you look at the anthropological history of the female body and sexuality, full lips signal not only sensuality, but being excited about having sex," Jamie Gordon, a US-based anthropologist told Women's Health Mag.
"Much like how studies show that the higher your hip-to-waist ratio in some African tribal cultures, the more attractive you are, full lips can also make you seem more attractive."
Another study, published in the journal Vision Research in 2010, said that a woman with large lips suggests "a strong mating potential".
Full lips are often also a sign that your jaw has grown correctly and without misalignment.
However, lips start to naturally reduce in size from the age of 28 onwards, as this is when collagen and hyaluronic acid production slows – the latter is the most commonly-used product in lip fillers.
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