Street Seen: It's about what I think looks good on me


I AM IN Federation Square, city.

Garcia Lee: My style is whatever I think is cool at the time.

Garcia Lee: My style is whatever I think is cool at the time.

I AM studying my master of education.

I AM WEARING a black and white jacket, a white T-shirt, Eco shoes – that are also white – and dark jeans, I bought them all in my home town in China. I chose to wear them today because they're flexible and easy to move in. I actually started skateboarding a few days ago, because I wanted to do something different, and this outfit is easy to skate in.

MY STYLE IS whatever I think is cool at the time. I don't have a specific style.

I ADMIRE THE STYLE OF I don't pay that much attention to what people are wearing, I'm really not that interested in fashion. I choose a style because I think it's cool. I don't have people I want to copy, it's about what I think looks good on me.

MY FAVOURITE PLACES TO SHOP I don't have favourite shops or brands that I choose to wear. I just go into lots of different places and look for pieces that I think are beautiful.


WHEN I WAS A KID I WORE what my mum dressed me in. She wanted me to be really girly so that meant a lot of skirts, which I hated, I much prefer pants. She also put me in lots of pink, because she thought that was a girl's colour but I like blue.

I WOULD NEVER BE CAUGHT DEAD IN thigh-high boots or high heels. If I had to wear high heels for a job I would, but they'd still be pretty low.

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