Princess Reyes, the flawless burger scammer!
J. Wellington Wimpy from Popeye has met his spirit animal. Because why pull an “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today” scam when you can pull an “I’ll gladly give you the warm feeling of knowing you helped a poor hobo animal for a hamburger today” scam. Who knew that Joanne the Scammer’s mentor is a dog from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Princess Reyes hasn’t only stolen hamburgers, but she’s also stolen hearts after the story of her scheming went viral thanks to a Facebook post from her human Betsy Reyes.
Betsy posted a picture of Princess sitting in a parking lot all sad-like, and called out her dog’s grifting ways. Betsy says that Princess regularly runs away and goes off to the McDonald’s where she plays the part of a sad homeless dog so that people’s hearts will break and they’ll give her a hamburger. Betsy didn’t only narc on her dog (how cold), but she also fat-shamed the pooch and hated on Princess’ impeccable scammer skills.
“If you see my dog @ the McDonald’s on shields, quit feeding her fat ass bc she don’t know how to act & be leaving the house all the time to go walking to McDonald’s at night. She’s not even a stray dog. She’s just a gold diggin ass bitch that be acting like she’s a stray so people will feel bad for her & feed her burgers”
I don’t think I’d call Princess Reyes a gold digger, unless Princess dumps Betsy and gets into a Mercedes driven by a human who will do nothing but shower her with luxurious gifts like McDonald’s hamburgers, or even something more opulent like a Big Mac. Trust, Princess will do that if she gets the chance.
Betsy says she caught Princess in the act on Monday night after following the furry fake street tramp to a McDonald’s where she saw Princess get a lady in a car to hand over a hamburger. Betsy posted a video of Princess at work. Look at this adorable burger whore scam a sucker for some beef! This reboot of Hookers at the Point is strangely family friendly and very fucking adorable.
Now that Betsy wrongly betrayed a bitch by blowing up her game, I wonder how she’ll change shit up. Maybe she’ll invest in a shaggy dog disguise at Party City. Or maybe she’ll go high brow by begging for steaks outside of an Outback. Or maybe she’ll figure that she’s too big for the small time and she’ll head for Calabasas where she’ll get a reality show, become a beauty “influencer” and get a makeup line that will become a $1 billion business (and that can buy her 1 billion cheeseburgers). I say go with the third option, Princess. Beat Pimp Mama Kris at her own game!
Pic: Facebook
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