Here’s How To Make Your Wedding Ceremony More Personal

Demiantseva Olha/Shutterstock

By Paige McBride/Aug. 25, 2021 2:06 pm EDT

Getting married is obviously a personal affair, but the ceremonies can sometimes feel a little stiff. If you’re looking for a marriage ceremony that reflects you and your fiance’s personality more closely, you may want to adjust the process to fit your unique bond. Rather than the classic walk down the aisle, same readings as always and conventional vows, there are a few ways to make your special day that much more special with some personal touches.

Martha Stewart suggests having a friend or relative officiate the ceremony as a way to incorporate more familiarity between you and your guests. With someone you trust as the officiant, they can share stories and personal aspects of your bond in a way that you approve of. Plus, you likely already have a few people in your life who would be more than happy to marry you and your future spouse.

As for the atmosphere, grab a few items from your home to bring with you to the ceremony. Add pictures to the altar alongside candles from your coffee table and decor from your bookshelves. Symbolizing your bond and life together, these objects can create a special atmosphere, the outlet explains. You can add a few shelves with your books, photo albums and more and feel surrounded by personal touches that you and your future spouse love.

Personalize the traditional aspects

If you have to make a program, a guest list and a menu, why not make them reflect who you are? Brides suggests personalizing the program that guests receive upon their arrival with anecdotes, fun facts and more. Choose the songs that you love and mean something to you, then write about them in the program. Some couples add short bios about each of the people standing up in their wedding as a way to create even more continuity and meaning. Beyond the programs, add a love note to other classic pieces like the napkins and glassware. Some couples even shared their first love letters on their napkins.

The outlet also offers an idea for a non-traditional plan of action for your thank you notes. Try writing them before the ceremony so that your guests get a special note before they walk in. Helping them feel more connected to the entire event and to you, this tactic is a beautiful way to show them how much they mean to you and make things even more personal. Lastly, consider switching the readings out with a song or speech from one of your close friends or family members. That way, you can share more personal details about your unique relationship instead of listening to a classic verse you hear at every ceremony.

There are tons of ways to make your wedding ceremony unique to your relationship. Just find the classic traditions and see if you can update them to fit your style.

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