QAnon has added a new dimension to its complex web of ideas about paedophiles, Satanists and alien invaders.
The bizarre conspiracy group is entertaining the idea that Queen Elizabeth II has no right to the throne.
Messageboards members are now claiming that Britain’s rightful monarch is a man named Joseph Gregory Hallett – referred to by some as King John III.
QAnon's interest in Hallett dates from April, when he published 34-page document claiming that the “illegitimate conception of King George V” means that every monarch since 1840 has been what he calls a “flat lie royal.”
Hallett’s justification for his claim involves, as all good conspiracy theories do, the Rothschild family.
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According to him the great European banking dynasty bought the royal family’s “breeding rights” as part of a series of loans that Britain took out to finance the Napoleonic Wars.
While some QAnon cultists are supporting his claim, others are not so sure. Other anonymous commenters on the fast moving conspiracy message board scene claim Hallett has ties to Ghislaine Maxwell, the Nazis and even Satan himself.
It’s even been suggested that the self-styled King John could actually be the First Horseman of the Apocalypse.
Hallett himself is active on YouTube, criticising the official government track and trace app, accusing financier George Soros of orchestrating the Black Lives Matter protests and claiming that Queen Elizabeth sent her personal doctor to visit him.
He’s also hinted that Donald Trump might be supporting his claim on the throne, and has made wild claims about Bill Gates, describing him as the “biggest international criminal in the world” adding that vaccines do “absolutely nothing” apart from kill people.
Which are all ideas sure to endear him to the QAnon set.
While QAnon’s supporters might only number a few thousand, they wield outsize influence because of their huge presence on social media.
Apparently innocent Facebook groups can be quickly overrun by cultists waging non-stop “information warfare” and spreading anti-Democrat memes.
Ethan Zuckerman of the MIT Media Lab told the BBC that QAnon leaves people unsure what to believe. “The danger of Qanon is not that they try to blow up a building,” he says. “It's that they and others are blowing up our shared reality."
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